- Course: Courses offered by Uni-select to Shops/Members technician
- Banner: Programs offered by Uni-select to Shops
- BannerCommunication: Email notifications triggered upon Banner and element changes (signup, cancellation, conversion)
- Element: Options available for banners
- ExitInterview: Survey of 4 questions conducted over the phone after the shop closes
- Investment: Payments that have been made to Shops or Members. NOTE: you'd need to check PaidTo column to determine to whom the payment has been made.
- InvestmentType: Type of funds available in the system
- MajorAccount: Major account list (e.g Canadian Tire ...etc.)
- MemberEmployee: Employees of the members
- MemberProgram: Member's subscriptions to Programs (e.g. B2B)
- Part: Eligible Part for Labour Warranties
- Program: Programs available to members
- ProvidedService: Services that are provided by Members or Shops
- RoadsideAssistanceCoverageDetails: Roadside Coverage details
- SDM: Business Development Manager / Sales Development Manager
- Shop_tech: Shop's Employees
- ShopSubscription: Shop's Subscription to Banners
- Supplier: Part suppliers (Labour Warranty)
- Trainer: Course Instructors
- Warranty_item: Labour Warranty Claims